Deerfield Valley Art Association (DVAA)413- 225-3132Contact Us
Artist Forms
DVAA PDF links for the following forms are located at the bottom of this page.
ARTIST'S INFO TAG -- These labels are one of the two necessary formsof submission for all FIDDLEHEADS GALLERY Shows and exhibits. At left is an example of an ARTIST'S INFO TAG. These tags can be filled out digitally and then printed or printed blank and filled in manually. Attach a tag to each piece being submitted in a place where it won't be seen.
EXHIBIT INVENTORY FORM -- This form is the 2nd piece that MUSTBE SUBMITTED for a show. This form can also be filled in digitally and then printed or printed blank and then filled out manually. This form MUST BE brought to the gallery when dropping off submissions for a show.
GIFT SHOP INVENTORY FORM -- This form may be filled out digitally and printed OR printed and filled out manually. There are 2 pages in the event you need more room. The completed form MUST BE SUMBITTED to the Gallery Gift Shop whenever dropping off new inventory.